The portrait of Jean is complete. As I was working on the painting towards the end there was always something I could do to improve the shape of the eye lid, the colouring on the mouth or the shadows on the cheek, I thought. This is dangerous because one change will start the domino effect, will create the need to change adjacent areas and on and on it will go. Experience however will give me the confidence and the know how to stop when it is done. I am happy with the painting and the learning process and look forward to the next portrait.
If you haven’t looked through my website, the last two paintings completed are Waterlilies and Tide’s Out in Galway. The painting Waterlilies was started “au plein air” on a sunny day in the community of Whitefish Falls south of Espanola. The abundant Water Lilies blanket the waters pooling on the pink rocks along Georgian Bay. The second painting Tide’s Out in Galway is from our cycling trip to Ireland along the Atlantic coastline from Achill Island to Galway. In the southern part of this area are small fishing communities with a variety of colourfully painted fishing vessels quietly awaiting the incoming tide.
I am currently working on an image of Georgian Bay close to Parry Sound taken while kayaking.