As I mentioned in my previous blog, Portraiture is my new challenge-
painting not only the physical attributes of the model but the unique character of the individual.
Portraiture classes I’ve taken in the past were exciting, but I found the time with the model was limited, and the dynamics of the class impacted on the learning experience. I decided that if I could paint a model at my home, the painting time would be more productive. In talking about my plans with my friend Maureen, she suggested her daughter as a model. Katherine spent many hours this past winter sitting perfectly still (except for the yawns), quietly accepting all the stages of her portrait’s development. She was pleased with the final outcome.
Having gained confidence painting Katherine, I threw out the modeling idea to a few more friends. Unanimously, everyone volunteered to sit. Wow! I guess you just have to ask.
Jean is currently sitting for me. She sits with the poise of a professional model for one and a half to two hours, with plenty of time to think about what she really has gotten herself into. The photos below demonstrate the progress from designing the painting, to developing a value plan and to applying some colour. Since Jean is a quilter, I have incorporated one of her beautiful quilts into the background.
The painting process is slow as I work at mixing the multitude of colours needed to develop the human form. Oil paint is a forgiving medium, wonderful for a student of portraiture.